Son of chef

Son of chef
Fair food

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mr. Rogers & The ADD Cereal

I am not a morning person.  Like, don't talk to me before a latte.  Which is funny because when I was little I was up before the sun.  I loved to watch Mr. Rogers and eat cereal.  I would wake up my mom, who was apparently not a morning person either.  So, she taught me how to turn on the television.  She would have the channel and volume set.  This was before crazy remotes and DVR of course.  She also put the cereal and a bowl out, and put the milk on the lowest shelf so I could reach it.  I would put my bowl on the floor, then  pour the cereal and milk in it.  I would turn on Mr. Rogers and be set to go.  Now my sister did not get up this early, but a few times she heard me and would quietly watch me.  She was five years older and always fascinated with me.  She was quiet, calm, and kept to herself.  My nickname was Hurricane Kelsey.  I was wild, loud, and bounced off the walls.  So, apparently she saw that along with the cereal I would pour about a cup of sugar in the bowl as well.  So, now when the stories are told of "Hurricane Kelsey" and how my grandparents thought I had ADD, my sister chuckles and says, "You didn't have ADD, you had a cup of sugar for breakfast everyday"!  I always get a kick of out of this.  I still am fairly hyper, you never want to see me on a Redbull!  I also still eat cereal almost everyday, but I hold the cup of sugar.  I actually started making my own cereal in the form of this delicious granola.  It is made with honey instead of sugar and packed with oats and nuts, so it is a good way to start the day.

Big K's Nut and Oat Granola
2        Cups        Old Fashioned Oats
1/2     Cup          Sliced Almonds
1/2     Cup          Chopped Pecans
1/2     Cup          Coconut Flakes
1/2     Cup          Dried Cherries
1/3     Cup          Honey
2        Tbsp         Melted Butter or Coconut Oil
1        Tsp           Vanilla Bean Paste or Vanilla Extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Take a large zip top bag and place all ingredients inside.  Shake vigorously until ingredients all mixed up.  Take a baking sheet and line it with foil for easy cleaning.  Pour ingredients onto the baking sheet.  Spread into an even layer.  Bake for 15 minutes.  Take out and stir it around.  Bake another 10 minutes until nice and golden.  Keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn.  Let sit out and cool for at least an hour to dry it out a little.  Crumble it up.  Enjoy in milk or as a parfait.  I also sometimes add other dried fruits and mini M&M's to make it into a trail mix.  I can't get enough of this stuff!  Love as always, "Big K"

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